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Advent of Code Day 2

Day 2 was pretty straightforward, and there isn't all that much I want to say about it, so I'll get straight to the problem.

Part 1

The puzzle gives us an input that consists of rows of , each of which is made up of a list of , which are just numbers.

Dec 9, 2024 * programming, adventofcode

Advent of Code Day 1

Work over the past week kept me busy, so I wasn't able to tackle any of the puzzles until this weekend. School and college applications have taken up a lot of my time, giving me less time to spend programming. I had some time free up this winter, though, so AoC will serve as a nice way to get back into things.

Dec 8, 2024 * programming, adventofcode

Notes on Types and Programming Languages

This is a live document, and will be updated as I read through the book.

I've recently taken to reading Types and Programming Languages by Benjamin C. Pierce in an attempt to introduce myself to the basics of type theory and the like. The book in question is, from what I've found, considered an apt introduction to the aforementioned concepts, and seems to read well from my brief skimming of it thus far. I'll be using this document to consolidate my notes on the content as I read.

Nov 30, 2024 * programming, type theory, notes

My Thoughts on NixOS

Up until recently, I daily drove Fedora on the main machine I use for development. However, I recently decided to wipe my system and make the jump to NixOS.

Nov 29, 2024 * programming, nix, nixos

Writing a Static Site Generator

It took two years and several rewrites, but since you're seeing this, it means I've (finally) gotten my static site generator to a stage in which it's feasibly working, and have deployed my website to the web.

Jul 17, 2024 * introduction